Effortlessly Schedule & Pay For Your Spa experience

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Step 2/7


KSh 0.00

Proudly powered by Salon Booking System


  1. How soon can I have an appointment?

    We work with advance bookings; 1-60 days from today.

    All the available time slots will be shown to you on the calendar.

    Some services are offered by different professionals; if a day of the selected professional is greyed, its worthwhile to check the availability of the other professional.

    You have more slots 1-2 weeks ahead if you combine services from different professionals in one appointment.

  2. Which are the booking steps?

    Step 1. Indicate your county zone; filters the professionals & services available to you.
    (Confirm if your location is within our reach on this map here.)

    Step 2. Tick the services you need (massage, sugar waxing, facials, body scrub, manicure & pedicure).

    Step 3. Pick your best date & time. All available slots (1 – 60 days ahead) will be shown on the calendar.

    Step 4. Fill in your contact details, address/pin location, & add notes. (Immediately get a “pending booking” email).

    Step 5. Pay a 10% deposit by mobile money or card.

    Step 6. Immediately receive an email & SMS confirmation of your booking.

    (If you book after 6 pm, you receive the confirmation SMS the next morning at 8 am).

  3. Do I have to pay the deposit immediately?

    If you cannot pay immediately, pay ASAP via the button in your “pending booking” email/account. Your slot is reserved for 6 hours after which it is automatically canceled.

  4. How do I pay the deposit?

    Payments are done automatically online with mobile money or a card.

    1. Payments by MPESA Express are free.

    2. Payment via VISA, American Express, Mastercard & Apple Pay is possible for amounts above Ksh 100 and incur a processing fee (2.9% for Ksh & 3.8% for other currencies)

    3. Payment via PAYBILL & Airtel is possible for amounts above Ksh 100 and incur a processing fee of 2.9% + Mobile Operator fee

  5. Can I book for someone else?

    Yes. Indicate on the notes for whom the appointment is if not for yourself.

  6. I am a gentleman, can I book?

    Yes & No.

    1. Our focus is on ladies, but we also work with the spouse/boyfriend/father, etc (except for waxing & body scrub) & the corporate (chair massage).

    Your wife/girlfriend/daugther should book for you or you can book yourself and add a booking note about the wife/girlfriend being around.

    2. Bookings by men without a note are automatically canceled.

  7. Can I reschedule my appointment?

    If you had signed in prior to booking; go to your account to reschedule your appointment at least 1 day prior to your scheduled date.

    Otherwise, contact us at least 6 hrs before your appointment to reschedule for you.

  8. Can I cancel my appointment?

    You can cancel at least 6 hrs prior to your scheduled slot via the link in your email or from your account. Afterward, contact us ASAP to cancel it.

  9. Is the deposit refundable?

    The 10% deposit is non-refundable. If anything comes up on the day of your appointment, we recommend rescheduling the appointment.

  10. Why should I book from my account?

    To easily manage (pay, re-book & reschedule) your appointments.

    Any appointment made without first logging into your account is not registered in your account.

    As a consequence, you cannot reschedule and you need to contact us to reschedule the appointment for you.

  11. How do I register an account?

    Register on this form with your;
    1. Phone + email + password
    2. Facebook account
    3. Google account
    4. Twitter account

    Once registered, you can log in without a password via OTP (one-time code sent to your phone).

Last Updated on February 4, 2024